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Skellefteå ridklubb
Skellefteå ridklubb

The ridning school

With its approximately 700 members and 40 horses, SRK is one of the country's largest riding schools. All days of the week there are activities at the facility, from early morning to late evening.

The club's riding instructors lead the work of teaching children, young people and adults to ride and, not least important, to socialize with horses in a respectful and safe way. It takes place through both practical and theoretical exercises.

The riding school business is the base for the club. Around 70 lessons are held every week, including lessons for the disabled and upper secondary education.

Riding lessons in English

We have currently one weekly lesson that is held in english, but it is also possible to book a private riding lesson. Contact SRKs office for more information.

En bild

Be on time

You need to be in the stable at least 20 minutes before the lesson starts, then you go to your call list and see which horse you have been assigned to - you check that you are here on the list and then you go and see if the horse is in the stable or out for a lesson. When it is horse knowledge (see the schedule), the lesson only starts at the lesson time (the time you actually go to the riding house). You then prepare the horse for the lesson time when the riding instructor arrives. If you need help, stable managers are on hand to help.

Distribution of horses

On the lists posted in the app Hippokrates or on the notice boards at the entrances, you can see which horse the riding instructor has given you. The guideline is that you have the same horse three times before changing, but things happen that cause it to change. If, for example, one horse is injured, it can affect how all the horses go. If you have jumping, you can get the same horse a fourth time.

Grooming the horse

  1. First check if your assigned horse needs grooming. If it is already in the ridning hall, you can watch the lesson in progress from the stands or hang out and help out in the stables. But keep an eye on the time and be sure to stand quietly outside the arena door and wait when the lesson before yours is over and the riding instructor calls you in.
  2. When you have to groom your horse, first turn it in the stall and fasten it with its head facing the stall. Also fasten the horse if it is boxed.
  3. Brush the whole horse properly, extra carefully where the saddle and bridle should sit and on the legs (if the horse is to have leg guards). This is to avoid chafing.
  4. Scratch the hooves so that there is nothing in the hoof that could damage it.
  5. Get saddle, bridle and possibly leg protection. The ponies' saddle room is on the left when you enter from the stable and the big horses' on the right. The ponies in the Cultural Stables have their own saddle room next to their stalls.
  6. Saddle your horse and put on the leg guards (ask for help with this if you need to!).
  7. When to bridle: Remove the halter but leave it hanging around the horse's neck so it cannot walk away. In boxes where there is only one halter shaft, the halter must be removed completely, so that the horse does not turn around and get stuck with the halter around the neck. REMEMBER: When you have bridled, you must not leave the horse, because it can get stuck in the reins and hurt itself in the mouth even if the halter hangs around the neck.
  8. The riding instructor tells when the halter must be unfastened, taken off and hung up on a hook on the side of the saddle. This is done in connection with the start of the lesson.

In the ridning hall

  1. When leading your horse into the stable: Follow the wall straight ahead and then turn in and line up on the center line with at least 3 meters between each horse. Some horses want to stand further forward, but in that case inform the riding instructor.
  2. Check the saddle girth and stirrups from the ground.
  3. Wait for the riding instructor to speak before you sit up.
  4. When everyone is ready, the riding instructor says that you can ride out on the square track.

After the lesson

Hand over the horse to the next rider. Help with mocking the riding house if needed. Then exit the arena in front of the horses.

If no one else is going to ride your horse:

  1. Raise the stirrups.
  2. Lead the horse out when the riding instructor says. Go straight ahead towards the wall and then turn right.
  3. Turn the horse in the stall and fasten it with the halter around the neck.
  4. Remove the bridle, hang it on the hook on the side and put on the halter.
  5. Remove saddle and possibly shin guard.
  6. Brush the whole horse and scratch the hooves.
  7. Remove saddle, bridle and possibly. leg protectors and hang them in the correct place in the saddle chamber. Don't forget to rinse the bit thoroughly to avoid chafing in the horse's mouth.

The lesson is now over, but you are welcome to sit in the stands and watch others ride or stay in the stables and brush and cuddle with the horses!

Publicerad: 2024-07-17

Senast uppdaterad: 2024-07-17

Författare: Viktoria Enmark


Publicerad: 2024-07-17

Senast uppdaterad: 2024-07-17

Författare: Viktoria Enmark